Terms and Conditions of use of the website
This Web Site (hereinafter referred to as “site”) belongs to the company called BTS Active Holidays di Mulas Mauro ( now BTS), with legal seat in Strada Comunale Sant’Antioco SN 09025, Sanluri (SU). By using this site or downloading materials from the site, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this notice. If you do not agree to them do not use the site or download any materials from it.
The present General Conditions may be modified by BTS, at its sole discretion, at any time and without previous notice; by using the Site after any such change the user agrees to unconditionally comply with the General Conditions in their latest form.

Limited use
The contents of BTS site pages are Copyright © of BTS. All rights reserved. Part or all of the contents of BTS site pages cannot be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without BTS prior written permission, except that BTS allows you to store on your computer or print copies of extracts from these pages for your personal use only.
The brand and logo “Bike Tour Sardinia” of BTS, Is the exclusive owner of BTS.  That trade mark cannot be used in any way without the prior written consent of BTS. All copyright, trade marks and all other intellectual property rights in the Website are belongs to their owners. These trade marks are mentioned in website for information purposes only. Some of the images published are taken from Internet and evaluated as public domain, If you suspect a copyright violation, please immediately contact BTS, by e-mail, by phone, as reported on the contact point. He will provide for their quick removal.

The Site aims to provide a panoramic view of BTS and its activities. BTS makes no representations and warranties of any kind, expressly or implicitly, with respect to this Site or any of its Information or software, and expressly disclaims any responsibility in relation thereto; consequently, BTS shall under no circumstances be considered liable or responsible, for any damage, of any kind or entity, directly or indirectly, arising from, or in connection with, the use or inability to use the information, elements and material contained on this Site even if BTS should become aware of the possibility of such damage. BTS is in no way responsible for any damage arising from access to the Site and the use or downloading of the Information present, whether said damage is the result of defects, errors or anything else, or the result of the inability to use the material on the Site.

The connected sites (links) are not controlled by BTS and, as a consequence, BTS is not, and shall not be, liable or responsible, for any reason or cause, for any contents on these connected sites or of the connection addresses. Links do not imply that BTS sponsors or is affiliated to any entity whose products or services are described thereon.

This website does not use any kind of profiling cookies. Cookies of third-party are used for statistical monitoring of the website visits. To read and to know more on how to disactivate this function, consult the Extensive disclousure concerning the use of cookies.

Applicable Law
The present General Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Italian Law.

